
Johnson reacts to BT Vision/Channel 4 merger speculation

Johnson reacts to BT Vision/Channel 4 merger speculation

Channel 4 Logo Luke Johnson, chairman of Channel 4, has expressed confusion at a story in the Sunday Telegraph regarding merger talks between BT and Channel 4.

Johnson told MediaWeek.co.uk: “I am not sure how the story came about, as we held a meeting with BT Vision more than a year ago.

“The company might have submitted an interest in Channel 4 to Lord Carter – however, I have no idea whether they have or haven’t at this stage.”

Johnson added that he did not know what other companies might have submitted an interest in Channel 4 to Lord Carter, who is currently working on the final draft of his Digital Britain report (see Broadband for all by 2012).

Last week ITV revealed that it had drawn up a plan for a three-way merger with Channel 4 and Five to create a new broadcasting entity, although it had failed to consult the other broadcasters involved (see ITV proposes merger with Channel 4 and Five).

Johnson then announced that he did not want Channel 4 to merge with Five or ITV, saying that he would rather the broadcaster was privatised (see Channel 4 chairman rejects ITV/Five merger).

Although Johnson said that he remained opposed to privatisation, he added that he would prefer it to merging with ITV, which he said would be an “enormous poisoned pill”, adding “on a personal basis, I don’t see a lot of value in equity in ITV”.

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