
BMRB Q1 2009: Online Usage

BMRB Q1 2009: Online Usage

Man Online Internet users have grown by over 2.6 million people in the past year, according to data released by research company BMRB.

Figures for the first quarter of 2009 show YOY usage up by 8.3%. Although the number of people going online is continuing to grow, now standing at 34.2 million, there seems to be something of a slow down in the last twelve months. YOY growth has slowed to 8.3%. Compare this with the 07-08 growth of 14.3% and it looks like high speed internet is at a high penetration level.

Internet Users By Location

The vast majority of people accessed the internet from home, with 1.3 million using work or university connections instead. Home was the fastest growing location that people logged on from, with growth of 9.6% in the last year. Overall usage continued to grow including Academic-based connection, but only by 1% over the past twelve months.

Internet Users By Location
(millions) 1st Qtr 07 1st Qtr 08 1st Qtr 09 YoY % Change Q107 – Q108 YoY % Change Q108 – Q109
All users 27.65 31.6 34.207 14.3 8.3
Work users 9.45 10.61 11.484 12.3 8.2
Home users 25.41 30.09 32.98 18.4 9.6
Academic users 3.48 3.5 3.534 0.6 1.0

Internet Users By Gender

The gender gap continues to narrow, although not as drastically as previous years. Both Male and Female internet users grew by 8.3% YOY. Woman have had the edge with their YOY growth in recent quarters, but now seem to be getting on a more equal footing with their male counterparts. Two years ago there were 1.18 million more men online than women; this figure is now 690,000.

Internet Users By Gender
(millions) 1st Qtr 07 1st Qtr 08 1st Qtr 09 YoY % Change Q107 – Q108 YoY % Change Q108 – Q109
Male 15.4 16.11 17.45 4.6 8.3
Female 14.22 15.48 16.761 8.9 8.3

Internet Users by Age

Older internet users continue to swell in numbers; the 55-64 age bracket grew by 17.3% YOY. The largest group (35-44) had 7.5 million people online but also had the smallest growth over the year, due to high penetration levels. Older demographics continued to be drawn towards the internet with 65+ year olds increasing their numbers by 8.6% YOY.

Internet Users By Age
(millions) 1st Qtr 07 1st Qtr 08 1st Qtr 09 YoY % Change Q107 – Q108 YoY % Change Q108 – Q109
15-24 5.92 6.32 6.84 6.8 8.2
25-34 5.95 6.32 6.84 6.2 8.2
35-44 6.81 7.26 7.53 6.6 3.7
45-54 5.03 5.37 5.82 6.8 8.3
55-64 3.55 3.79 4.45 6.8 17.3
65+ 2.37 2.52 2.74 6.3 8.6

Internet Users by Social Grade

The internet revolution continues as faster broadband becomes more readily available to everyone. The DEs saw a massive YOY growth of 21%, while C2s rose by 11.1%. These too are expected to slow, but for the moment the lower social grades are embracing the accessibility of affordable broadband. The affluent AB group made their presence felt online with the largest number of users, 10.2 million, but also had the smallest growth.

Internet Users By Social Grade
(millions) 1st Qtr 07 1st Qtr 08 1st Qtr 09 YoY % Change Q107 – Q108 YoY % Change Q108 – Q109
AB 9.48 9.79 10.262 3.3 4.8
C1 9.77 10.27 10.946 5.1 6.6
C2 5.63 6.16 6.841 9.4 11.1
DE 4.74 5.37 6.499 13.3 21.0

BMRB: www.bmrb.co.uk

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