
Ask.com brings back Jeeves

Ask.com brings back Jeeves

Ask Jeeves Website Internet search engine Ask.com is returning to its original name, Ask Jeeves, in the UK and bringing back its iconic butler.

Jeeves was retired in 2006 but is returning in a move that also gives users a choice of URL to reach the search engine – ask.com, ask.co.uk, askjeeves.com and askjeeves.co.uk.

Cesar Mascaraque, managing director of Ask Jeeves Europe, said: “As part of our strategy to provide a unique and differentiated search experience, we are thrilled to be welcoming Jeeves back in the UK. Since he has been gone, we have focused hard on improving the areas of the site we know our users care most about – the speed, the look, and the relevancy of the search results.

“We know from increased retention levels, that our users prefer the improved site. And, in times like these we know our users are looking for answers for practical everyday needs like saving money and how to feed a family on a budget.

“We also know from research that they love Jeeves and strongly associate him with providing answers. Jeeves brings warmth and humanity to the search experience, and thanks to the enhancements we have made to our site, he is even better at providing answers than ever before so bringing him back is a perfect fit.”

The return is being promoted via a marketing campaign including TV, radio, press, online and promotions.

Jeeves will also be staging regular “Question of the Day” events based on the top questions being asked on the site.

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