
ITV.com users “would recommend site to friends”

ITV.com users “would recommend site to friends”

ITV Logo ITV has said that more users than ever would recommend its flagship website to friends.

A visitor profile survey of 4,268 UK adult visitors to ITV.com in December 2008 has shown that most sections of the site had increased their Net Promoter scores – a measure of loyalty whereby visitors are asked if they would recommend a website or specific section to a friend.

The survey also revealed that the proportion of male visitors has increased by seven percentage points to 55%, with women making up 45% of the user base.

The proportion of 16-24 year olds using the site has increased by five percentage points (pp) since last May, their primary motivation being to watch full length TV programmes on ITV.com.

The proportion of those aged 55-64 years old are up by five pp, said ITV, while those 65 and over have decreased by ten pp.

Dominic Cameron, MD of ITV.com, said: “This research and our steadily increasing user numbers show that we have created a site that is appealing and engaging to users.

“We constantly strive to create the best possible user experience and 2009 will see a raft of improvements and new features which we hope will build on our recent success.”

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