
ABC Results Jul-Dec 2008:Shortlist shows staying power in men’s lifestyle sector

ABC Results Jul-Dec 2008:Shortlist shows staying power in men’s lifestyle sector

Men's Magazines Free men’s weekly Shortlist had the highest circulation in the men’s lifestyle sector, at around 506,000 copies.

The magazine was up by 5.1% period on period – as it only launched in September 2007 it is not possible to make a year on year comparison, although an October to December 2007 figure is available which shows that Shortlist then had a circulation of 462,731 copies.

Fellow free title Sportwas static year on year at more than 317,000 copies, although it recorded a period on period rise of almost 1.5%.

Paid for weekly titles Nuts and Zoo both suffered falling circulations, with IPC media’s Nuts fairing slightly better.

Nuts was down almost 13.5% year on year and 6.5% period on period, to leave its circulation at 234,000 copies, while Zoo‘s circulation fell by around 18.5% year on year and 10% period on period to around 145,500 copies.

It was a good period for magazines focused on healthy living, with circulation boosts for monthly titles Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness.

The National Magazine Company’s Men’s Health was up 4% year on year and 2% period on period to 250,000 copies, while Dennis’ Men’s Fitness was up by around 2.5% period on period and year on year to 67,000 copies.

Men’s Health has now overtaken Nuts as the second-placed paid for men’s lifestyle title, behind FHM.

FHM‘s circulation now rests at around 272,500 copies, following a year on year fall of 13.5% and a period on period dip of around 3%.

Bauer Consumer Media’s Arena enjoyed an upturn, of 16.5% year on year to more than 29,000 copies. It was down slightly period on period, however, by around 5%.

BBC Focus was also up, by 7.7% year on year – although it remained relatively static period on period – to more than 70,000 copies.

There was less good news for Loaded and Maxim, both down year on year, by 21.5% and 41.5% respectively.

Maxim did, however, report a 5.5% period on period upturn, taking its circulation to around 46,000 copies. Loaded, meanwhile, was down period on period by 5.5%, leaving its total at 90,000 copies.

GQ remained relatively static year on year and period on period at 130,000 copies, while Esquire, although also relatively static year on year, was up around 3.3% period on period to 60,000 copies.

The “indispensable read for City executives” Square Mile magazine saw a year on year rise of nearly 3.5%, taking its total circulation to 33,000 copies.

Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Circulations: Jul-Dec 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 07 Jul-Dec 08 Actual Change % Change
Arena Bauer Consumer Media 25,232 29,374 4,142 16.4
BBC Focus Bristol Magazines 65,301 70,326 5,025 7.7
Bizarre*** Dennis Publishing Limited 50,132 40,936 -9,196 -18.3
Esquire The National Magazine Company Ltd 59,800 60,051 251 0.4
FHM (For Him Magazine) Bauer Consumer Media 315,149 272,545 -42,604 -13.5
GQ Conde Nast Publications Ltd 129,520 130,094 574 0.4
Healthy for Men** River Publishing Ltd n/a 62,687 n/a n/a
Loaded IPC Media Ltd 115,065 90,071 -24,994 -21.7
Maxim Dennis Publishing Limited 78,463 45,951 -32,512 -41.4
Men’s Fitness Dennis Publishing Limited 65,504 67,160 1,656 2.5
Men’s Health The National Magazine Company Ltd 240,315 250,094 9,779 4.1
Nuts* IPC Media Ltd 270,053 234,034 -36,019 -13.3
Shortlist* Shortlist Media Ltd n/a 505,970 n/a n/a
Sport Sport Media & Strategy Limited 317,209 317,257 48 0.0
Square Mile Square Up Media 32,000 33,079 1,079 3.4
Stuff Haymarket Publishing Group Limited 96,866 95,072 -1,794 -1.9
T3*** Future Publications 60,028 60,127 99 0.2
Zoo* Bauer Consumer Media 179,006 145,555 -33,451 -18.7
*Published Weekly
**Published Bi-Monthly
***Jan-Dec ABC figure

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 February 2009. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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