
ABC Results July-Dec 2008:All TV listing titles see circulation declines again this period

ABC Results July-Dec 2008:All TV listing titles see circulation declines again this period

TV Listings Mags

All of the titles in the TV Listing Magazines sector have seen year on year circulation declines in the latest ABC release for July to December 2008.

However, three of the titles enjoyed period on period rises, including BBC Worldwide’s Radio Times (1.4%), H Bauer’s Total TV Guide (1%) and IPCs TV Times (1.9%).

TV Choice remains the market leader despite falling 2.6% year on year – its circulation has fallen well below 1.4 million now.

What’s On TV isn’t far behind with more than 1.3 million copies, though it also experienced a significant year on year decline of 5%.

The Radio Times was the only other title to stay above the 1 million mark, despite a 2.9% year on year dip.

All of the other titles in the sector sit well below the top three – TV Times leads the way for the remaining TV listing magazines with almost 350,000 copies.

H Bauer’s TV Quick suffered the largest percentage decline in the sector, down 20.8% year on year, a real term loss of more than 44,000 copies, taking its circulation down to 167,500.

IPC’s TV Easy also saw a relatively large percentage fall, down by 16.6% to around 212,000 copies.

TV Listings Magazines: Jul-Dec 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Co Jul-Dec 07 Jul-Dec 08 Actual Change % Ch
Radio Times BBC Worldwide Ltd 1,054,184 1,023,255 -30,929 -2.9
Total TV Guide H Bauer Publishing 115,819 111,221 -4,598 -4.0
TV & Satellite Week IPC Media Ltd 195,368 183,906 -11,462 -5.9
TV Choice H Bauer Publishing 1,404,950 1,369,088 -35,862 -2.6
TV Easy IPC Media Ltd 254,669 212,419 -42,250 -16.6
TV Quick H Bauer Publishing 211,608 167,507 -44,101 -20.8
TV Now!* VIP Magazine Group 33,342 30,326 -3,016 -9.0
TV Times IPC Media Ltd 358,511 343,226 -15,285 -4.3
What’s On TV IPC Media Ltd 1,386,900 1,318,093 -68,807 -5.0
*January-December ABC Figures          

The Soap titles had a much more positive period, though the results were still mixed.

Hachette Filipacchi’s All About Soap‘s impressive 13.4% year on year growth saw the title gain more than 13,000 copies, giving it a total circulation of more than 113,000.

However, the publisher’s Inside Soap suffered a 5.9% year on year decline, losing nearly 12,000 copies, taking its total down to 188,000.

Despite the percentage changes, which were consistent with the last ABC release, Inside Soap still remains the market leader.

Meanwhile, IPC’s Soaplife enjoyed a 9.6% year on year increase, up to more than 112,000 copies in total.

Soap Magazines: Jul-Dec 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Company Jul-Dec 07 Jul-Dec 08 Actual Change % Change
All About Soap Hachette Filipacchi 100,048 113,436 13,388 13.4
Inside Soap Hachette Filipacchi 200,045 188,273 -11,772 -5.9
Soaplife IPC Media Ltd 102,452 112,275 9,823 9.6

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 February 2009. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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