
ABC Results Jul-Dec 2008:Tough times for teen magazines

ABC Results Jul-Dec 2008:Tough times for teen magazines

Teen Magazines It was a hard six months for the teen magazine sector, although some titles managed to weather the storm better than others.

Hachette Filipacchi’s Sugar was top of the sector with a total circulation of over 153,500 copies.

However, it was down year on year by around 2.5% and period on period by around 3% according to the latest ABC figures for July to December 2008.

Top of The Pops dipped slightly year on year, by 0.6%, although it was up period on period by 3.5%, to take its total circulation to just over 125,500 copies.

There were notable year on year declines for Bliss and Mizz, falling 30% and 18% respectively.

Mizz now has a circulation of around 58,000, while Bliss‘ rests at 90,767.

Shout, meanwhile, shed around 5.4% of its circulation year on year, leaving its total at just under 82,000 copies.

There was better news for Kiss though, which reported a January to December ABC figure of 22,759 copies, up 6.2% year on year.

Teenage Magazines: Jul-Dec 2008 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 07 Jul-Dec 08 Actual Change %Ch
Bliss Panini UK Ltd 130,041 90,767 -39,274 -30.2
Kiss* Minjara Ltd 21,428 22,759 1,331 6.2
Mizz Panini UK Ltd 71,092 58,302 -12,790 -18.0
Shout DC Thomson & Co 86,618 81,904 -4,714 -5.4
Sugar Hachette Filipacchi 157,261 153,721 -3,540 -2.3
Top Of The Pops BBC Magazines 124,852 125,558 706 0.6
*January-December ABC Figures          

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 Febraury 2009. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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