
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: January 2009

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: January 2009

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The national daily newspaper market was down overall by 3.8% year on year in January.

There were relatively large year on year declines for the Independent, Daily Record and Daily Mirror, while the Daily Star managed to buck the overall trend.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – January 2009
Daily Titles Jan-08 Jan-09 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 890,086 842,912 -47,174 -5.3
Financial Times 447,114 432,944 -14,170 -3.2
Guardian 378,394 358,844 -19,550 -5.2
Independent 250,641 215,504 -35,137 -14.0
Times 633,718 617,483 -16,235 -2.6
Mid Market        
Daily Express 752,699 736,340 -16,359 -2.2
Daily Mail 2,313,908 2,228,897 -85,011 -3.7
Daily Mirror 1,512,559 1,366,891 -145,668 -9.6
Daily Record 393,788 354,302 -39,486 -10.0
Daily Star 722,969 768,534 45,565 6.3
Sun 3,209,776 3,146,006 -63,770 -2.0
Total Daily 11,505,652 11,068,657 -436,995 -3.8

Quality Daily Titles

The Independent suffered the largest year on year fall in the Quality sector, down 14% to around 216,000 copies.

The Daily Telegraph and Guardian were both down by around 5% year on year.

The Daily Telegraph now has a circulation of 843,000, while the Guardian‘s stands at 359,000 copies.

The Financial Times saw its circulation dip 3.2% year on year, to 433,000 copies, while the Times fell by around 2.5% to 617,000.

At the start of January, News International upped the Times‘ weekday cover price by 10p to 90p in a bid to counter increased printing costs and the economic downturn (see The Times ups its weekday cover price).

Mid-Market Daily Titles

In the Mid-Market, the Daily Mail‘s circulation now rests at 2.2 million following a fall of more than 3.5%, while the Daily Express shed 2.2% of its total circulation to leave it at 736,000 copies.

Popular Daily Titles

There was some good news in the Popular sector, with the Daily Star boosting its circulation by almost 6.5% year on year to around 769,000 copies.There were pretty large year on year declines, however, for the Daily Record and Daily Mirror, down by 10% and 9.5% respectively.

The Daily Record‘s circulation now stands at around 354,000, while the Daily Mirror‘s is just under 1.4 million.

The Sun still has the highest circulation of any daily national, at 3.1 million, although this follows a year on year dip of 2%.

Sunday Newspaper Market

It was a bad month for the Sunday newspaper market, down by around 7% overall in January.

Titles were down across the board, with a large fall – of around 24% – for the Independent on Sunday and an 11.2% drop for the People.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – January 2009
Sunday Titles Jan-08 Jan-09 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 236,500 178,798 -57,702 -24.4
Observer 444,951 427,867 -17,084 -3.8
Sunday Times 1,231,374 1,198,984 -32,390 -2.6
Sunday Telegraph 633,639 619,243 -14,396 -2.3
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,330,366 2,189,432 -140,934 -6.0
Sunday Express 704,436 646,971 -57,465 -8.2
Daily Star Sunday. 382,288 359,533 -22,755 -6.0
News Of The World 3,264,676 3,031,025 -233,651 -7.2
People 669,362 594,552 -74,810 -11.2
Sunday Mirror 1,366,922 1,244,007 -122,915 -9.0
Total Sunday 11,264,514 10,490,412 -774,102 -6.9

Quality Sunday Titles

The Independent on Sunday suffered badly in January, falling around 24% to leave its circulation at around 179,000 copies.

The Observer was down almost 4% year on year, to leave its total at around 428,000 copies.

The Sunday Times and the Sunday Telegraph both saw their circulations dip by around 2.5%, leaving them at 1.2 million and 619,000 copies respectively.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

A year on year decline of 6% leaves the Mail on Sunday‘s circulation at 2.2 million, while the Sunday Express was down by 8% to 647,000.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector, the People was down 11.2% year on year, to 595,000 copies.

There was also a pretty large downturn for the Sunday Mirror, of 9%, leaving its total at 1.2 million.

The News of the World can still boast a circulation of above three million, but it was down by over 7% year on year, a real term decline of just under 234,000 copies.

The Daily Star Sunday, meanwhile, now has a circulation of around 360,000 following a 6% year on year fall.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Aug 2008 – Jan 2009
Daily Titles Aug 07 – Jan 08 Aug 08 – Jan 09 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 884,542 842,803 -41,739 -4.7
Financial Times 443,602 435,768 -7,834 -1.8
Guardian 362,299 348,859 -13,440 -3.7
Independent 240,595 211,359 -29,236 -12.2
Times 637,595 620,416 -17,179 -2.7
Mid Market        
Daily Express 784,615 740,875 -43,740 -5.6
Daily Mail 2,336,746 2,206,803 -129,943 -5.6
Daily Mirror 1,538,542 1,406,205 -132,337 -8.6
Daily Record 401,205 368,781 -32,424 -8.1
Daily Star 770,359 729,755 -40,604 -5.3
Sun 3,127,901 3,072,609 -55,292 -1.8
Total Daily 11,528,001 10,984,233 -543,768 -4.72
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Aug 2008 – Jan 2009
Sunday Titles Aug 07 – Jan 08 Aug 08 – Jan 09 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 210,884 175,727 -35,157 -16.7
Observer 456,278 436,318 -19,960 -4.4
Sunday Times 1,217,586 1,199,314 -18,272 -1.5
Sunday Telegraph 637,227 618,217 -19,010 -3.0
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,317,168 2,184,769 -132,399 -5.7
Sunday Express 715,856 655,279 -60,577 -8.5
Daily Star Sunday. 439,293 364,785 -74,508 -17.0
News Of The World 3,318,165 3,142,510 -175,655 -5.3
People 699,057 612,589 -86,468 -12.4
Sunday Mirror 1,385,164 1,271,534 -113,630 -8.2
Total Sunday 11,396,678 10,661,042 -735,636 -6.5

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