
City AM enjoys year on year growth

City AM enjoys year on year growth

Newspapers Buoyed by the increasing financial uncertainty in world markets, January saw free business title City AM‘s distribution figure grow 3.7% year on year to 87,655.

The Evening Standard‘s circulation dipped slightly year on year, by around 0.5% to just under 293,000 copies, although it was up month on month.

Evening freesheet thelondonpaper remained relatively static year on year, with a total distribution figure of just under 501,000 copies, while its competitor the London Lite was up slightly year on year, by 0.5% to around 401,000 copies.

London morning freesheet Metro was down 2.5% year on year, leaving its distribution figure at 733,000 copies.

Title Audit Jan-08 Jan-09 Actual Change YoY % Change YoY
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 84,489 87,655 3,166 3.7
Metro (London) BDP 751,444 732,994 -18,450 -2.5
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 294,823 292,976 -1,847 -0.6
London Lite BDP 398,820 400,860 2,040 0.5
thelondonpaper BDP 500,592 500,578 -14 -0.0
Total London Papers   2,030,168 2,015,063 -15,105 -0.7

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