
ITC Announces Anglia Terms For Renewal

ITC Announces Anglia Terms For Renewal

The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has announced the financial terms that will be offered to Anglia Television if it chooses to apply to extend its licence for a further 10 years. The ITC has asked the East of England ITV franchise to pay a vastly reduced rate for renewal of its licence.

A cash sum of £3.42m as well as 17% of its qualifying revenue has been ordered from the regulatory body, a bargain compared to last year’s price of £21.2m plus 7% PQR. The Commission is expecting analogue revenues to decline as digital television grows and the revised rate is in anticipation of such a fall.

Sir Robin Biggam, chairman of the ITC, said: “The terms represent a fair assessment of the value of renewing the successful licence. In setting the financial terms the ITC looks to ensure that licensees can continue to provide an excellent range and quality of national and regional services while providing a fair return to the Treasury for the right to broadcast.”

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