
Aegis Builds Global Market Research Reach With French Acquisition

Aegis Builds Global Market Research Reach With French Acquisition

Global advertising and market research company, Aegis Group, announced today that it has acquired Demoscopie, a French market research business.

Demoscopie is a custom research company based in Paris, with both quantitative and qualitative full service capabilities, specialising in both consumer and business-to-business research. It generated revenues of around £3.5 million last year.

As part of the deal, it is intended that Aegis will acquire, subject to certain conditions precedent, the Bureau for Internet and Telephone Interviewing, a data collection company based in Germany.

These European acquisitions follow the purchase of UK-based market research company Pegram Walters in February and are consistent with Aegis’ strategy of expanding its international market research capabilities into a global market research network, the company said.

Commenting on the announcement, Doug Flynn, chief executive Officer of Aegis Group, said: “In February 2001 Aegis Research established itself in Europe through the acquisition of UK-based Pegram Walters. Acquiring Demoscopie strengthens our European position and is consistent with our strategy of establishing Aegis Research as a truly global market research network.”

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