
Independent News & Media Sees Profits Fall 17%

Independent News & Media Sees Profits Fall 17%

Independent News & Media (INM) this morning reported that its pre-tax profits fell by 17.2% to E56.6 million during the six months to 30 June. The group, which publishes the Independent national newspaper, says that the drop is due to adverse currency movements, exceptional start-up costs, investment in a new Irish print facility and costs arising from the acquisition of Belfast Telegraph Newspapers.

However, excluding currency changes and exceptionals, pre-tax profits were marginally ahead of last year. Advertising revenues at INM’s UK newspapers were down by 13%, pretty much in line with the overall newspaper market. This decline was offset somewhat by a strong double-digit growth in Ireland.

Group-wide newspaper advertising revenues increased by 5.6% in contrast to major declines reported by most media companies worldwide, claims INM. Group circulation revenues were up on a like-for-like basis. Operating profit rose by 13.5% to a record E109.3 million and turnover was up 4.2% to E656 million.

The group’s Australian newspaper division, APN, has reported a 3% decline in interim revenues and a 6% decline in earnings. APN says that its regional papers continue to experience challenging conditions.

Chairman Anthony O’Reilly said that he believes the company is well-positioned to for continued growth and that despite uncertainty in the global markets the group expects to report improved results for the full year.

At 10:00am today shares in INM were down 2½p at 130½p.

ABN Amro: Hold

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