
Taylor Nelson Sofres Acquires Sponsorship Monitoring Group

Taylor Nelson Sofres Acquires Sponsorship Monitoring Group

Global market information group, Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) is to buy the entire share capital of Sponsorship Information Services (SIS) and its interests in Sponsorship Information Services Asia and NetResult. The value of the acquisition was not disclosed.

SIS monitors and evaluates sponsorship of major sporting events, such as UEFA Champions’ League football matches, Formula One and ATP Tour Tennis, using its proprietary monitoring system. The company was Established in 1993 and employs 36 staff. It had turnover in the year ended 30 June 2001 of £2.2 million and net assets at that date of £0.2 million.

Following the acquisition SIS will form part of the TNS Media Intelligence division. Mike Kirkham, chief executive of Taylor Nelson Sofres, said: “SIS fits well with our existing advertising measurement and monitoring businesses and expands the TNS activities in this growing research sector. We now have the opportunity to market the SIS systems across the group and to offer clients a full range of services to measure internationally the effectiveness of their sponsorship and sports marketing spend.”

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