
Sky Boss Leaves Following DirecTV Failure

Sky Boss Leaves Following DirecTV Failure

Chase Carey, CEO of Sky Global Networks, has resigned from his position at News Corp following the failure of the group’s bid for DirecTV (see Insight Analysis: Murdoch Walks Away From ‘Dream’ DirecTV Deal). Carey had been instrumental in negotiating a number of successful deals whilst at News Corp including the acquisition of Star TV in Asia.

Rupert Murdoch said it was with regret that he accepted Carey’s resignation but press reports suggest that following the failure of the DirecTV bid Carey had been left with a diminished role at the company. It is thought that his departure will also allow Murdoch’s sons Lachlan and James to take a more controlling role in the group’s businesses.

Carey will remain on the board of directors of News Corp and will serve as a consultant to the company this year.

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