
EMAP And Capital Update On Trading, Merger Mooted

EMAP And Capital Update On Trading, Merger Mooted

EMAP says that its consumer magazines division is trading ahead of expectations with advertising up 7% and circulation revenues up 10%.

The company, which presented to a Lehman Brothers media conference earlier in the week, also said that radio revenue is in line, down by 7%; business to business is up 2%. It also confirmed plans to spend £10 million on promoting Closer, its new weekly magazine targeting women.

Meanwhile, Capital Radio told the same conference that radio sector revenue is likely to grow by around 2% in the second half, saying that it has been underperforming television in the last five months.

There was also talk of possible mergers for Capital. A merger with EMAP would probably be acceptable to the Competition Authority, although substantial disposals may be required, according to chief financial officer, Peter Harris.

A GWR/Capital merger would have the least overlap – and so is more likely to be approved – but would offer fewer synergies. Virgin, Chrysalis or EMAP would present substantial overlap in London, note Lehman analysts.

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