
Chime Communication Sees Improvements In Profits

Chime Communication Sees Improvements In Profits

Advertising and PR firm, Chime Communications, has today revealed a positive turnaround in profits during the first half of this year, as operating profits grew by 8% to £3.6 million.

Commenting on the results, chairman, Lord Bell said: “I am pleased that we have returned to reporting pretax profits. Our successful fund raising and the current level of business in hand gives us confidence about the results for the full year.”

Chime’s three operating divisions; public relations, integrated marketing sercices and research all saw significant improvements in operating profits from January to June 2004, growing by 71%, 16% and 9% respecitvely.

Looking forward, Lord Bell added: “All three divisions are trading well and we are investing in improving the quality of our key personnel. All of this gives us confidence for the results for the full year.”

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