
Sky Close To Completing EasyNet Deal

Sky Close To Completing EasyNet Deal

BSkyB has secured 88.18% of telecoms firm EasyNet, bringing the deal to acquire the firm a step closer to completion.

EasyNet’s shareholders have broadly welcomed the deal, with 65% agreeing to the deal, worth £211 million. Sky has also purchased 23.9% of the company’s issued share capital lifting its acquired percentage to 88.l8%.

The deal has since been extended from its initial closing date last Friday, allowing for Sky to acquire the remaining share of the firm.

The acquisition will see Sky offer customers a ‘triple pay’ of services, including broadband, satellite television and fixed line phone services. The new closing date for the deal is set at 16 December.

Last week saw Sky’s chief financial officer, Jeremy Darroch, outlining the company’s plans for development following the deal’s completion.

According to Darroch, Sky is untroubled by rivals such as NTL’s focus on mobile media. He said: “We don’t feel the need to develop a separate mobile revenue stream. It’s something we will watch but we think, with the acquisition of Easynet, we have an infrastructure that’s going to allow us to launch a compelling range of products and services.”

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