Independent News & Media Enjoys Strong 2005

Independent News & Media has enjoyed a strong 2005, with a positive trading statement for the publisher showing good growth in circulation and advertising group revenues for the 11 months to 30th November.
Despite the UK market remaining behind last year, Independent News & Media, expects advertising revenues to be up year on year, with the performance reflecting ongoing product development initiatives.
Online revenues are shown to continue to enhance advertising growth across all the markets. particularly in the classified pillars.
In terms of circulation, the group predicts overall growth of over 3% for revenues, reflecting good underlying volume and price increases and the successful launch of the compact edition of The Independent.
Independent News & Media also expects to report continued good growth in operating margins, as the flow benefits from previous cost efficiency programs.
Commenting on the groups’ results, Sir Anthony O’Reilly, chief executive officer for Independent News & Media said: “2005 was a year of significant progress for Independent. We expanded our geographic reach and indicated that we are both language and location indifferent, provided the economic indices are favourable.”
He added: “As the underlying performance indicates, Independent is unique among global newspaper and media companies, showing positive underlying growth in both advertising and circulation revenues, and is projecting a clear vision of, and commitment to, its future as a multi-media and online provider.”
Looking towards 2006, the company expects continued strong growth in revenues across all media platforms, with benefits from its market expansion efforts and cost efficiency measures sustaining superior earnings growth in 2006.
Independent News & Media Plc had a strong 2004, experiencing robust growth across all of its sectors resulting in a 22.8% increase in operating profit to a record €285.7 million, up from €232.6 million in 2003, driven by strong advertising and circulation growth (see Independent News & Media Report Rise In Operating Profit For 2004).