
Havas First Half Results 2006

Havas First Half Results 2006

Havas has recorded a fall in profits of over 39% for the first half of 2006, although it has generated revenue growth of 2.8%.

The group recorded operating income of $56 million compared to $75 million in the first half of 2005 and net income (Group share) of $21 million compared to $34 million in first half 2005.

Havas also saw net new business of $900 million for first half 2006 compared to a total of $1,055 million for full-year 2005.

Fernando Rodés Vilà, chief executive officer of Havas, stated: “The Group continues firm in its strategy of investing in creativity and quality by bringing in new talents to serve its clients.

“Senior executives of the Havas Group are focusing on these two factors to drive organic growth on a sustainable basis, while giving the fullest consideration to the needs and expectations of all the Group’s clients and partners.

“This is a strategy that can only be implemented over time and its effects, while already perceptible, will become increasingly apparent in the future.”

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