
JCDecaux Revenues Rise

JCDecaux Revenues Rise

JCDecaux has reported revenues for the nine months to 30 September are up by 12.6% to €1,382.1 million (£9,258.2 million).

Excluding acquisitions and the impact of foreign exchange, organic revenues rose by 7.8% for the first nine months of the year.

Third quarter revenues increased by 10.8% to €436.3 million (£2,923.6 million).

Jean-Charles Decaux, chairman of the executive board and co-chief executive officer, said: “We are very pleased to report group organic revenues growing high single digits for the third consecutive quarter.

“While market conditions improved in many countries including France, our revenue growth outperformed overall advertising markets reflecting our investment in both high quality advertising networks and strong sales and marketing teams.

“The overall improvement in the French advertising market compared to 2005, as well as the good progress of our North American and Asia-Pacific operations, should continue fuelling our organic revenue growth, which will still expect to be above 6% for 2006 comfortably ahead of forecasts for growth in the worldwide advertising market.”

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