
Fru Hazlitt Resigns As SMG Radio Chief Executive

Fru Hazlitt Resigns As SMG Radio Chief Executive

Fru Hazlitt has resigned as the chief executive of SMG’s radio business, and will be replaced by Paul Jackson, currently Virgin Radio’s programme director, with immediate effect.

Hazlitt joined SMG in August 2005 as chief executive of Radio from Yahoo! UK and Ireland, where she was managing director.

Jackson was regional programme director for Capital Radio before becoming Virgin Radio’s programme director in 2001.

Hazlitt said: “I’ve had a fantastic time at Virgin Radio and I feel privileged to have been able to work with such a talented group of people, but I have other things in my life that I want to achieve and it’s time for me to move on. I wish Paul and the whole team all the success they deserve.”

Donald Emslie, acting chief executive of SMG, said: “I’m sorry to see Fru go. She’s been an inspirational leader for Virgin Radio and her knowledge of the radio and online world has taken the station to the next level. This has provided Paul Jackson with a very strong platform from which to continue to develop the station.

“Paul is amongst the best radio professionals in the industry. He’s been a great asset for Virgin Radio and I look forward to working with him and seeing his plans for the station put into action.”

Jackson said: “We’ve got the best music, the best presenters and a fantastic team here and we’re approaching one of the most exciting times in the history of commercial radio with developments in digital and online. I’m going to work very hard to make sure that Virgin Radio continues to be first with the big ideas.”

In October, a report in the Times said that some leading SMG shareholders wanted Fru Hazlitt to replace former chief executive Andrew Flanagan (see ITV Linked With Pearl & Dean).

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