
WPP Records Profits Rise

WPP Records Profits Rise

WPP’s pre-tax profits rose by 14.5% to £766.3 billion in 2006, with the company reporting total revenues of £5.9 billion for the year, up 10%.

WPP’s like-for-like revenue growth was up by 7.2% in the fourth quarter of 2006.

In a statement, the group said: “The group’s financial performance in the year more than mirrored the continuing steady strength in economic conditions across the globe, with even the weakest geographical region, western Europe, picking up in the second half.”

The UK recorded 1.8% revenue growth compared with the 5.1% averaged by other European countries. However, WPP added that the UK strengthened in the second half of the year.

The US saw like-for-like growth of 4.6%, up slightly on the first half of the year.

The fastest-growing regions were Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

Speaking recently at a Chrysalis radio event, Sir Martin Sorrell said that a significant shift is taking place which will see the consumer gain more power (see Sorrell: New Media Central To Future Of Industry).

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