
Job Losses To Come At Emap’s Consumer Business

Job Losses To Come At Emap’s Consumer Business

The imminent restructure of Emap’s consumer business will see jobs cut, according to Emap Consumer Media CEO Paul Keenan.

Speaking at today’s MediaTel Group Future of Magazines seminar, Keenan said that the changes would see Emap stop doing a number of processes, which will in turn lead to job losses.

However, Keenan stressed that the new processes put in place, which will see the consumer division place a far greater emphasis on digital, will allow more talent to be “unleashed”.

Seminar chair Torin Douglas asked Keenan if he felt that other publishers should be following Emap’s lead, to which Keenan responded: “I’ve got no idea. It’s what we feel we need to do to unleash the creativity and the talent that we’ve got.

“We intend to continue to invest significantly in the magazine medium, but we think we’ve got talent and brands which have real value outside of that and we can make good business from it.”

Keenan would not give exact details of the restructure, although he did say that the company is having in-depth discussions with employees for the next four to six weeks to ascertain exactly where it should be heading.

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