
More Media To Move Online, Says Gates

More Media To Move Online, Says Gates

Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, says that the advertising model for traditional media will continue to deteriorate over the coming few years.

Speaking at Microsoft’s Strategic Account Summit, Gates said: “We’re saying newspapers will go online, and there will be massive innovation that comes out of that. We’re saying that TV, the biggest ad market in the world, will completely go online and have the kind of targeting interaction that you only get out on the web today.

“As dramatic as things happening on the web are, that’s actually what all advertising…will be in the future.”

He added: “I have a lot of friends in the newspaper industry and, of course, this is a tough, wrenching change for them, because the number of people who actually buy, subscribe to the newspaper and read it has started an inexorable decline.”

Gates said that as the media landscape changes, it is inevitable that advertisers will increasingly move their budgets online.

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