
UK Internet Market Tipped For Growth By Global Survey

UK Internet Market Tipped For Growth By Global Survey

The UK has been picked out as an internet market to watch by researchers ACNeilsen/Netratings, following the release of a new global internet trends report.

“The US and Japan are widely recognised as having the largest internet populations in the world,” said David Day, director of analytics at ACNielsen eRatings.com. “With [this survey] we see a European penetrative figure of 82 million people which equates to one household in five, with more than half – 56% – of those people residing in the UK, Germany and Italy. Those three countries are well worth watching in the coming months as they continue to emerge on the global scene.

The first set of findings, for Q2 of this year, reports internet penetration figures across 17 countries in Europe and Asia Pacific, using over 25,000 surveys conducted using consistent research methodology.

“Prior to this report, advertisers and marketers had to rely on country-by-country statistics using varying methodologies,” said William Pulver, president of ACNielsen eRatings.com. This quarter’s report covers countries including the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. North America will be added for the next quarter. The total number of people with home access to the internet in all these countries is thought to be over 295 million.

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