
Jupiter MMXI Reports That Broadband Take Up In Europe Will Be Slow

Jupiter MMXI Reports That Broadband Take Up In Europe Will Be Slow

Prohibitively high costs and a lack of awareness of the benefits will lead to slow broadband take up in Europe, reports Jupiter MMXI.

Currently the average cost of broadband connection in Europe is over £125 and the average monthly subscription is around £30, Jupiter predicts that only around 14% of European households will have a broadband connection by 2005 and that only 32% of online households will be accessing the net via broadband.

Staffan Engdegard, author of report said ”The high prices currently being charged for broadband access means that the majority of consumers are discouraged from the technology. To attract these people, companies need to improve their marketing message to ensure that Europeans understand the added value of broadband.”

Jupiter MMXI Broadband Projections To 2005 Accross Europe

  2000 2005
Nordic 2.3% 30.0%
Germany 0.9% 17.0%
UK 0.3% 15.0%
France 0.6% 10.0%
Italy 0.1% 10.0%
Spain 0.2% 8.0%

Source: Jupiter MMXI, 10/04/01 (percentage of households with broadband access in 2000 and 2005)

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