
Web Reaches A Broader US Audience

Web Reaches A Broader US Audience

The number of US adults accessing the web increased by 8.5% in 2001, across the 85 metro markets surveyed by The Media Audit. The report says that 74.5 million out of a total adult population in these markets of 128.3 million ‘logged on during the past month.’

This represents an increase in internet penetration from 54.9% in 2000 to 58.0% in 2001. According to The Media Audit data, three metro markets have surpassed 70% access and 30 markets have surpassed 60%. “Growth slows after the individual markets achieve about 60 percent access,” says Bob Jordan, co-chairman of International Demographics, which produces The Media Audit.

A broader audience As internet continues to grow, it is becoming more reflective of the total US population, adds Jordan: “The median age is increasing and the median income is decreasing as you would expect. The internet is no longer the exclusive playground of the young and affluent. It’s looking more and more like a very essential utility for people of all ages.”

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