
US Q1 Ad Spend Figures From Competitive Media Reporting

US Q1 Ad Spend Figures From Competitive Media Reporting

New figures from Competitive Media Reporting (CMR) report that ad spend in the US is down 5.2% for Q1 2000 when compared to the same period last year. Total ad spend has dropped from the Q1 2000 total of $23.8 billion to $22.6 billion for the first quarter of this year.

Top advertisers such as General Motors and AOL have respectively spent 23.7% and 29% less in 2001 than they did during the boom period of early 2000.

“With the economic challenges facing businesses and industries since late last year, this significant decrease in ad spending has not caught anyone by surprise,” said David Peeler, president and CEO of CMR. “The advertising industry often strongly reflects what is happening in a majority of sectors. With Corporate America being required to make cuts across the board, it is logical to see a downturn in these numbers as well.”

Q1 YoY Changes In US Ad Revenue.

Cable TV 6.6%
Syndicated TV 5.5%
Outdoor 4.6%
Nat Newspapers -17.3%
Sun Newspapers -11.4%
Network Radio -18.4%
Nat Spot Radio -24.4%
Nat Spot TV -15.0%

Source: Competitive Media Reporting

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