
Confidence In Direct Marketing And Net Sponsorships Is Higher In Current Ad Climate

Confidence In Direct Marketing And Net Sponsorships Is Higher In Current Ad Climate

Despite the continued gloom surrounding the advertising industry and spending uncertainty from advertising and media executives, there is still a lot of confidence in the transactional media – online and direct marketing. These are the findings of the latest Myers Reports Advertising Confidence Survey.

Only 7% of respondents to the survey said they intend to reduce their investments in new media options. Among the media and promotions categories, the greatest degrees of confidence are expressed for direct response and database marketing, as well as internet sponsorships and e-commerce.

This is because the pay-off from these types of marketing is more accountable than it is for most other media. However, banner ads rank lowest among new media options at an index of 49.1, suggesting a shift in advertising spending strategies from banners to sponsorships, says the report.

Myers Report Ad Confidence Index 
Interactive TV 52.1
E-Commerce 60.3
Banner Ads 49.1
Direct Response Advertising 72.4
Internet Sponsorship 60.8
Database Marketing 78.3
Local Radio 60.6
Direct Marketing/Mail 67.4
Source: Myers Advertising Confidence Survey   

“These categories represent significant budgets and offer media sellers a significant growth opportunity in an otherwise depressing year,” said Jack Myers, chief economist and CEO of Myers Reports.

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