
Boston Consulting Reports That B2C Markets In Asia Are Booming

Boston Consulting Reports That B2C Markets In Asia Are Booming

In its latest report, Digital Dragons, The Boston Consulting Group reports that despite dot-com gloom lingering in Europe and the US, Asian e-commerce markets are booming.

Business to consumer commerce in the Asia-Pacific region is growing at a rate of more than 100% a year mainly due to increased online activity from large, established consumer companies.

“The focus on dot-coms has diverted attention away from the fact that business-to-consumer markets in Asia are actually booming. Our research found 81 percent of online B2C revenues in Asia are generated by large, established companies,” says David C. Michael, a vice president in BCG’s Hong Kong office and one of the report’s authors.

BCG discovered that B2C revenues in the area more than doubled in 2000, reaching $6.8 billion and are set to double again in 2001 when revenues are forecasts to reach $14 billion. Behind such increases are forecasts that net users in the region are expected to rise to 245 million users in 2004, a 36% rise from the current total of 98 million.

“Our findings clearly show that there has been no turning back from the Internet revolution, and many leading Asia-based consumer companies believe their online channels are vital to reaching out to their customers” says Nikolaus S. Lang, a project leader in BCG’s Kuala Lumpur office and a coauthor of the report. “But their biggest challenge remains: how to use these channels more effectively to cut costs and create new revenue streams? Our report highlights ways to overcome this challenge,” he says.

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