
ITC Publishes Q1 Cable TV Statistics

ITC Publishes Q1 Cable TV Statistics

Q1 cable statistics from the Independent Television Commission (ITC) show that cable TV penetration has risen by 2.1 percentage points year on year to 28.5% of homes passed and marketed. Cable TV take-up rate has increased by 10.1% in the same period, with 3.6m or 15% of TV households subscribing.

The ITC figures also show that 1.25m cable TV customers now recieve a digital service and 50,000 use cable modems for high speed internet access.

Headline ITC Cable Statistics For Q1 2001.

   01-Apr-00  01-Jan-01  01-Apr-01  YoY Growth (%) 
Broadband Homes Passed*  12,446,100 12,664,335 12,653,713 1.7
Homes Connected (TV and/or Phone)  4,335,370 4,539,344 4,574,627 5.5
Homes Connected (TV)  3,281,042 3,562,197 3,610,958 10.1
Telephone Lines Installed  4,787,540 5,223,686 5,305,505 10.8
– of which residential 4,142,044 4,518,307 4,552,771 9.9
– of which business 645,496 705,379 752,733 16.6
        % Point Change 
Pay/Basic Ratio (%)  107.5 101.8 94.2 -13.3
Cable Service Penetration (%)**  34.8 35.8 36.2 1.4
TV Penetration (%)**  26.4 28.1 28.5 2.1
Cable TV Subs as a % of TV Homes  13.6 14.7 14.9 1.3

The rate of digital conversion meant that cable’s share of the digital TV market is now 16.6%. However, the uptake of satellite TV was three times higher than that of cable, and digital terrestrial services have been increasing their subscriber rate around 6 times as fast. This has resulted in cable’s share of the pay TV market declining by 4.6 percentage points to 36.5%.

The ITC’s research also shows that cable TV did not see a particularly large increase in its revenue per subscriber, which increased only 66p year on year to £21.01.

Of the different providers, NTL, strengthened by its Cable & Wireless merger, continues to lead the field, with just under 7.8m homes passed and marketed and a penetration rate fo 29.7%. Next contender Telewest trails with 4.7m passed and marketed and a penetration rate of 26.9%.

ITC Forecasts For Uptake Of Cross Platform Pay-TV

  1999  1999  1999  1999  2000  2000  2000  2000  2001 
  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q1 
Pay TV Penetration – % TV Households 
Cable 12.50% 12.70% 13.00% 13.50% 13.70% 13.90% 14.20% 14.80% 14.90%
Satellite 14.00% 14.10% 14.50% 16.10% 16.80% 18.30% 19.10% 20.40% 21.30%
DTT 0.50% 1.00% 1.70% 2.30% 2.80% 3.20% 3.60% 4.20% 1.50%
Total  27.00%  27.80%  29.20%  31.90%  33.30%  35.40%  37.00%  39.40%  40.70% 
Digital Penetration – % TV Households 
Cable 0.00% 0.00% 0.10% 0.40% 1.00% 1.70% 2.20% 3.70% 5.00%
Satellite 1.80% 2.50% 5.30% 8.60% 11.50% 14.90% 17.00% 19.40% 20.80%
DTT 0.50% 1.00% 1.70% 2.30% 2.80% 3.20% 3.60% 4.20% 4.50%
Total  2.30% 3.50% 7.10% 11.30% 15.30% 19.80% 22.80% 27.30% 30.30%
Share of Pay TV Market – % 
Cable 46.30% 45.70% 44.40% 42.50% 41.10% 39.30% 38.50% 37.50% 36.50%
Satellite 52.00% 50.60% 49.70% 50.30% 50.50% 51.60% 51.60% 51.90% 52.50%
DTT 1.70% 3.70% 5.90% 7.20% 8.40% 9.10% 9.90% 10.60% 11.00%
Share of Digital TV Market – % 
Cable 0.00% 0.00% 1.10% 3.10% 6.50% 8.50% 9.70% 13.70% 16.60%
Satellite 79.60% 70.80% 74.80% 76.50% 75.10% 75.30% 74.40% 70.90% 68.70%
DTT 20.40% 29.20% 24.00% 20.40% 18.40% 16.30% 16.00% 15.40% 14.70%
Share of Net Additions – % 
Cable 60.00% 26.60% 21.00% 21.80% 10.40% 12.60% 21.10% 22.10% 13.10%
Satellite -5.20% 7.00% 33.10% 56.70% 54.60% 68.10% 52.80% 55.30% 67.00%
DTT 45.20% 66.30% 45.90% 21.50% 35.00% 19.30% 26.10% 22.60% 19.90%

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