
US Online Population Continues To Grow

US Online Population Continues To Grow

The US online population is still growing according to recent figures from the TR.com Online Census. Figures for Q2 2001 show that US households online now number 70.7 million, a 3% rise on Q1 and a reversal of the decline seen in the period to March 2001.

Online Growth by Access Technology 
Technology  Customers  Growth in Q2 2001 
Paid Dial-Up ISP 52,186,220 5.20%
Free ISPs(active subscribers) 9,100,000 -11.30%
Cable Modems 4,935,542 0.50%
Internet TV 1,223,000 1.60%
DSL 3,117,000 29.70%
Satellite 114,000 52.00%
Total  70,675,764  3.20% 
Source: TR.com, Online Census

Paid dial-up services showed a modest 5% growth for the period but this remains the most popular internet access method in the US with more than 52 million subscribers. Satellite access to the net, despite prohibitively high costs, has shown the greatest increase at 52% whilst free ISPs have shown a decline of %11.3%. The key area in this market is dial-up where the implications of AOL’s May rate increase have yet to be seen.

Source: TR.com, Online Census

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