
Small US Wireless Carriers More Effectively Attract Customers, Finds Jupiter

Small US Wireless Carriers More Effectively Attract Customers, Finds Jupiter

Two of the smaller US-based wireless carriers in the US are more successful in taking web page visitors to the secure areas of their sites – where transactions are potentially made – than the larger carriers, according to new research from Jupiter Media Metrix.

Jupiter found that Sprint PCS and Nextel convert almost three times as many website visitors to pages secure for transactions on their wireless services sites than the top two US wireless carriers, Verizon Wireless and Cingular. According to Media Metrix ratings data, Sprint PCS and Nextel convert 66% and 62% of their visitors to secure pages respectively, compared to just 23% for Verizon Wireless and 12% for Cingular.

“Engaging customers online has become increasingly important for wireless carriers as they seek to lower the costs of customer acquisition and retention,” said Dylan Brooks, analyst, Jupiter Media Metrix.

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