
Online Advertising Trends From Lemonad

Online Advertising Trends From Lemonad

The number of internet advertisements in Great Britain fell slightly month on month for July, by 2.1% from 13,719 to 13,433, according to Lemonad. The number of advertisers and campaigns also declined slightly according to the figures.

Since December last year the number of internet ads has declined by 5.4%. There was a peak in activity during March this year when the number of ads hit 16,367. This tailed off in the subsequent months as the internet marketplace and economy generally began to slow.

The number of advertisers, on the other, has held steady across the period at around two and half thousand. The number of campaigns also remained pretty stable.

Great Britain internet market size, 2001 
  Dec-00  January  February  March  April  May  June  July 
Number of advertisers 2,045 2,591 2,375 2,536 2,482 2,459 2,684 2,624
Number of campaigns 5,365 6,021 4,932 5,533 5,130 5,284 5,679 5,456
Number of ads 14,196 15,690 14,268 16,376 14,557 12,740 13,719 13,433
Source: www.lemonad.com                 

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