
US Attacks Hit UK Online Ad Sales

US Attacks Hit UK Online Ad Sales

The online advertising market is in “full retreat” following the events of 11 September, according to the latest figures from online advertising monitor, Lemonad.

Soon after the attacks in the US large traditional advertisers started pulling campaigns from press and broadcast slots. Almost a month on, data from Lemonad reveals that the online ad industry is still being affected.

According to Lemonad there has been a 10% reduction in the total number of ads on UK internet sites. The tourist sector online was the worst hit, suffering a 72% decline in the number of ads placed in the 12 days following the atrocities.

Simon Bright, the UK managing director of Netcrawling, the company that operates Lemonad, said: “Every aspect of tourism focused online activity was hit, campaigns were reigned in. The number of active advertisers nearly halved and the total number of online ads showed similar uncertainty.”

In line with current fears of a slowdown in consumer spending, the e-commerce shopping sector saw a 28% slump in the number of new campaigns launched in the week following 11 September.

Elsewhere in the online market, the computing sector showed a 62% decline in the number of adverts and the number of active web campaigns halved. Access providers and search engines were also badly affected, with a 23% slump in campaigns and a 12% drop in the number of advertisers.

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