
European M-Commerce Will Be Worth $50 Billion By 2006, Says Yankee Group

European M-Commerce Will Be Worth $50 Billion By 2006, Says Yankee Group

The Yankee Group forecasts a prosperous future for m-commerce but warns the industry that wider content and services are required to maximise the commercial potential of the medium.

In its report Mobile Commerce in Europe: Premium Content Remains the Priority, the group forecasts that revenues generated by m-commerce could reach $50 billion in Europe alone by 2006.

“Far too often, we have heard the term ‘m-commerce’ used to describe just about any new mobile data application. This has only served to blur the vision of true m-commerce services and their market potential, as well as to confuse all industry players looking to carve out a slice of the m-commerce revenue opportunity. At the Yankee Group, we have developed a more rigorous definition, and one that allows us to effectively segment and size the true m-commerce market,” commented Declan Lonergan, director of European wireless research and consulting at the Yankee Group.

He added: “We envisage three distinct categories of m-commerce application, all of which pose their own unique set of challenges and opportunities. We define these as 1) Premium Content, 2) Remote Payment, and 3) Local (Point-of-Sale) Applications. Of these, Premium Content represents by far the largestÂ-and most immediateÂ-revenue opportunity, and will generate over 75% of all m-commerce transaction revenues by 2006. Driven by premium content applications, we believe m-commerce does have a bright future in Europe, but only if the region’s mobile operators realise soon the essential role that third-party applications and content companies will play in shaping the industry’s future.”

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