
B2C eCommerce Forecasts From eMarketer Shows Continued Growth In Online Shopping

B2C eCommerce Forecasts From eMarketer Shows Continued Growth In Online Shopping

Despite the unstable state of the US economy, eMarketer forecasts a healthy outlook for for online shopping in its new eCommerce: B2C Report.

The report analyses forecasts from over 100 researchers and, from this, eMarketer estimates that US B2C ecommerce revenues will grow from $38.3 billion in 2000 to $156 billion by 2005.
US B2C eCommerce Revenue Forecasts ($ billions) 2001 
IDC $81.4
Forrester Research $73.9
Boston Consulting Group $65.0
Yankee Group $57.2
eMarketer  $54.2 
Jupiter Media Metrix $48.8
Gartner Group* $48.7
Dataquest $39.3
Direct Marketing Association $37.1
Source: eMarketer/as listed, 2001 

“It’s clear that the internet has been accepted and is evolving as a key distribution channel – not a separate business entity – for traditional merchants,” said Geoff Ramsey, CEO of eMarketer. “E-Commerce has become a strategic imperative for all retail merchants since consumers like to shop seamlessly across channels, including the internet. Moreover, the lines are rapidly blurring between traditional business operations and the internet pure-plays, to the benefit of the companies with the strongest brand names, largest customer bases and strongest financial positions.”

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