
Jupiter Charts UK Internet Growth

Jupiter Charts UK Internet Growth

A new report from Jupiter MMXI has highlighted the growth in internet usage since the research group began recording data at the end of 1999.

The number of monthly home users in the UK has grown from 7.8 million in October 1999 to 13.5 million in January 2001. The number of minutes spent online each month has increased from 257 in October 1999 to 446 in September 2001 and the number of unique pages viewed per visitor each month has grown from 184 to 282 in the same period.
Growth in home internet usage 1999 – 2001 
  1999  2001  % Growth 
Number of users (million) – Oct ’99 – Jan ’01 7.8 13.5 73.1
Number of minutes online – Oct ’99 – Sep ’01 257 446 73.5
Unique pages viewed per visitor – Oct ’99 – Sep ’01 184 282 53.3
Source: Jupiter MMXI, 09/01   

Jupiter’s Web Milestone‘s report brings together its 24 months of research into the at-home internet behaviour of Britons and highlights how the Web has evolved as an information and communications tool.

Commenting on the findings, Jupiter’s senior vice president of measurement, Mari Coleman, said: “Looking back on everything we have witnessed in the last two years, we can see how rapidly the industry has developed. Despite the current difficult economic climate, an increasing number of consumers are still embracing the web to research and buy products and services and to access information, proving its value for communication and commerce.”

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