
93% Of US PC Homes Now Have Web Access, Says Yankee Group

93% Of US PC Homes Now Have Web Access, Says Yankee Group

Research by theYankee Group claims that 93% of US PC-owning households now have web access. According to its Technologically Advanced FamilyÂŽ (TAFÂŽ) Survey, the group also estimates that the top three uses for home PCs are: Online services/Internet access with 76% of the online population, Games/Entertainment with 58%, and Personal/Household Finance Management with 30%.

The survey also found that as the online population grows so users become more experienced and and demanding as consumers. 83% of PC pwners have been online for over one year, 40% for between one and three years and 43% for over three years.

“These results indicate that a vast majority of consumers are incorporating the online channel into their daily activities, ranging from providing entertainment content to tracking household finances,” said Lisa Melsted, analyst at the Yankee Group. “As online consumers become more experienced, the opportunity for service providers to develop value-added services, content and applications to address consumer’s needs will continue to expand. It is important for companies to track online consumer usage patterns and trends to determine which new services will successfully meet the needs of these online consumers.”

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