
US Advertising Performance ‘Dismal’ In 2001, Says McCann’s Robert Coen

US Advertising Performance ‘Dismal’ In 2001, Says McCann’s Robert Coen

Robert Coen, director of forecasting at Universal McCann has released his latest ad industry forecasts for the US in which he forecasts that consumer media ad revenue will fall by 8.1% in 2001 and grow by 2.7% in 2002.

Coen commented that 2001 “has been a year when problems were not foreseen and when things got bad, they happened very suddenly.”
The Outlook For 2002 – US National Advertising 
  % Change over 2001 2002 Projections ($ m)
Four TV Networks 3.5 15,870
Spot TV 5 10,300
Cable TV 5.5 12,010
Syndication TV 4 3,315
Radio -1 3,615
Magazines -1 10,775
Newspapers 0 6,650
Consumer Media Sub-Total  2.7  62,535 
Direct Mail 2.5 47,305
Yellow Pages 1.5 2,135
Internet 0 4,115
Other National Media 2.5 29,825
Total National  2.5  $145,915 
Source: Universal McCann, December 2002

Coen believes that the winter olympics and the growth in political advertising prior to the primary elections will help kick start the recovery early next year, particularly for the TV networks.

2001 Budgets Of US National Advertisers 
  % change over 2000  2001 projections ($ m) 
Four TV Networks -3.5 $ 15,332
Spot TV -20 9,811
Cable TV 4 11,385
Syndication TV 2.5 3,186
Radio -18 3,648
Magazines -12 10,885
Newspapers -8 6,650
Consumer Media Sub-Total -8.1 60,897
Direct Mail 3.5 46,152
Yellow Pages 0.5 2,103
Internet -5 4,115
Other National Media -5.4 29,098
Total National  -3.9  $ 142,365 
Source: Universal McCann, December 2001

He goes on to say that the economic declines in the US have been mirrored in many other developed countries, impacting on advertising revenues in the same way.

Advertising Outlook In Other Key Industrialised Countries 
(% change over prior year in local currency)
  2001  2002 
Japan -3.5 -4
Germany -0.5 3.4
UK  0.9  2.5 
France 2.8 3.2
Italy -1 -1
Brazil 5.5 8
Canada 2 0
Source: Universal McCann, December 2001

Although these countries have also suffered deterioration in the advertising market Coen believes that there will be modest growth in advertising in these countries and that combined they will do better than the “dismal performance in the United States this year”.

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