
US Ad Spend Freefall Continues In Q3

US Ad Spend Freefall Continues In Q3

Latest figures from CMR, released yesterday, show that advertising spend for all media in the US fell by 7.8% for the period to September 2001.

Clearly feeling the impact of $313.2 million worth of lost ad revenue in the week following the terrorist attacks, television was a major casualty although print media also shows significant losses. On the bright side, outdoor continues to perform well as does cable TV.

“The tremendous effects of the September 11 terrorist attacks, combined with an economy that has continued to spiral downward, had a significant impact on third quarter advertising,” said David Peeler, president and CEO of CMR. “Even though the ad world may experience a slight holiday season boost in the fourth quarter, we don’t expect to see spending numbers to turn around significantly until the economy does so first.”

Ad Spending By Media, Jan – Sep 2000 vs 2001 
  Jan – Sep 2000 ($ m) Jan – Sep 2001 ($ m) % Change
Network TV 15,279 14,058 -8.0
Magazines 12,533 11,895 -5.1
Spot TV 13,123 10,773 -17.9
Cable TV 7,679 7,843 2.1
Sunday Newspapers 8,139 7,471 -8.2
Daily Newspapers 6,269 5,892 -6.0
Syndication-National 2,326 2,406 3.4
National Newspapers 2,788 2,190 -21.5
Outdoor 1,807 1,853 2.6
National Spot Radio 1,981 1,613 -18.6
Sunday Magazines 766 792 3.4
Network Radio 699 622 -11.0
Total  73,389  67,408  -0.6 
Source: CMR, December 2001

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