
UK Leads Europe In Online Marketing Usage

UK Leads Europe In Online Marketing Usage

Online marketing has become a ‘critical element’ in the European marketer’s mix, according to a research report from DoubleClick, published this month.

The European Digital Marketing Survey looked at the use of online marketing tools in France, Germany, the UK, Spain, Italy and Scandinavia. It found that the UK leads the way in the adoption of digital marketing strategies, with 73% of the senior marketers surveyed now using these techniques. The UK is followed by Spain with a 66% adoption.
Marketers using online marketing techniques 
UK 73
Spain 66
Germany 43
Scandinavia 34
Italy 31
France 21
Source: DoubleClick, 12/01 

Of those not currently marketing online, DoubleClick says that more than 25% expect to begin using digital marketing tools over the next 18 months, with the largest growth anticipated in Spain (66%) and the UK (53%).

Budget allocation In the current economic and advertising climate, ad budgets are not being increased. However, the DoubleClick survey reveals that the percentage of marketing spend budgets allocated to online increased year on year in 2001. The greatest increase is in Italy, which saw a 5.3% rise in online spending.

Online techniques Whilst in the US, by far the most-used online marketing approach is the banner ad, in Europe the preferred vehicle is email, according to the survey. On average, email takes 31% of online marketing activity, with banners just behind at 27%. In the UK, the bias towards email use is even higher, at 58%, with Spain at 54%. Only France shows a preference for banner ads (10%) over email (9%).

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