
Mobile Phone Shipment Forecasts From Gartner and Micrologic Research

Mobile Phone Shipment Forecasts From Gartner and Micrologic Research

eMarketer today reports that despite a decline in 2001, the number of mobile phone shipments will rise from 463 million in 2002 to 475.9 million by 2003. The latest report from Micrologic Research forecasts that mobile phone shipments in 2006 will number 735 million.

Worldwide Mobile Phone, PDA and PC Shipment Forecasts 
  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006 
Worldwide Mobile Phone Shipments (in millions) Gartner     412.7 506.5 586.2 650.8 784.4 739.2  
Worldwide Mobile Phone Shipments (in millions) Micrologic 174 292 403 387 463 476 551 615 735
Worldwide PC Shipments (in millions)     134.3 128.1 129.3 149.7 167.2 181.5  
Worldwide PDA Shipments (in millions)     10.9 12.3 16 23.1 31.6 39.2  
Source: Gartner/Micrologic Research/eMarketer, February 2002
The figures from Micrologic Research predict more modest growth than the latest figures from Gartner which forecast that 586.2 million mobile phones will be shipped worldwide in 2002, rising to 739.2 in 2005. Jack Quinn, author of the Micrologic report commenting on the fact that his forecasts are around 10% higher than industry estimates said: “Those estimates are far too conservative and will make it easy for handset suppliers to do ‘better than expectations’. Many subscribers delayed upgrading their cellular telephones in 2001 because of the poor economy, but they wonÂ’t put it off forever.”

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