
US Music Downloaders Unwilling To Pay, Says Ipsos-Reid

US Music Downloaders Unwilling To Pay, Says Ipsos-Reid

New findings from Ipsos-Reid show that fewer than 1 in 10 (8%) Americans over the age of 12 who have ever downloaded or streamed music off of the internet have actually paid for this material translating to only 4 million people.

Additionally, 84% of those who have downloaded music without paying report they would not be likely to pay for streaming or downloading music off of the internet, even if there was no free music available. These were the results of a new survey TEMPO: Keeping Pace with Online Music Distribution by Ipsos-Reid.

“This suggests there may be resistance among current downloaders to the initial legitimate fee-based online music services recently launched by the major recording companies,” said Matt Kleinschmit, Senior Research Manager for Ipsos-Reid. “There currently appears to be a segment of the downloader population that has a fundamental objection to the idea of paying for music downloads or streams obtained from the internet.”

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