
Sponsorship Market Will Grow By 12% in 2002, Says SponsorClick

Sponsorship Market Will Grow By 12% in 2002, Says SponsorClick

SponsorClick has today announced that it has revised up its 2002 global sponsorship market growth forecasts, published last December. The company said that “given the stronger than expected economic outlook” during Q1 2002, SponsorClick now forecasts +12% for the sponsorship market in 2002, compared to its previous estimate of 10%. It is estimated that the market will reach a size of US$ 30 billion.

Three factors have been attributed to the increase:
  • In the wake of 11 September, companies have turned to alternative communication channels as a way to connect better with their clientele
  • Sponsorship requires more planning than advertising: cancelling sponsorship events as opposed to traditional advertising campaigns is more costly.
  • The sponsorship market is rapidly improving and becoming more professional.

In addition, SponsorClick figures for 2001 confirmed that the sponsorship market grew by 5% in 2001, at a time when the majority of advertising sectors suffered massive declines.

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