
US Internet Confidence Falls In Q1, Says ACNielsen

US Internet Confidence Falls In Q1, Says ACNielsen

Yahoo! and ACNielsen, have announced the results of the fourth wave of the Yahoo!/ACNielsen Internet Confidence Index, a quarterly study designed to measure confidence levels in internet products and services.

Overall, the index dropped four points during the first quarter to 111, when compared to Q4 2001, this decline was driven primarily by heavy internet users less confident with online order fulfilment. The previous index included the holiday period, a busy time for online shopping.

The index also indicates $13.8 billion will be spent online in Q2 2002, slightly less than had been projected for the first quarter.

“What we are seeing here is the progression and growth of what consumers expect from the internet, especially during the holiday shopping period,” said Jennifer Dulski, director of commerce marketing at Yahoo!. “The more that people use the internet to transact, the greater the possibility there is to have a negative experience at one point or another. This points to the need for businesses to address consumer concerns regarding delivery and customer service, as well as provide greater reassurance to shoppers about their web site’s security in order to provide better experiences for their customers.”

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