
Early Signs Of An Online Recovery?

Early Signs Of An Online Recovery?

According to recent data released by Nielsen//NetRatings there is some evidence of an online advertising recovery as the number of unique online ads rose during the beginning of 2002. According to data from the Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance survey, the number of unique ads jumped 33% between January and April of this year, reaching a new high of almost 70,000 unique ads online last month.

“The burst of online ads over the last three months indicates that the online ad market is finding some new traction,” said Charles Buchwalter, vice president of media research, NetRatings. “From the previous peak in March of 2001, the number of unique ads on the Web declined through the rest of 2001 to reach a low in January of this year. The downward trend during the past year has been reversed in just three short months.”

Large traditional advertisers have fuelled the growth in unique online ads in early 2002. “Two years after the dot.com bubble burst in mid-2000, blue-chip companies’ adoption of the online medium appears to be accelerating,” added Buchwalter. “Over the next 12 months, the significance of this development will be underscored if these increases in unique ads translate into sustained increases in online ad expenditures.”

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