
Germany Tops Web Usage Table

Germany Tops Web Usage Table

Internet usage increased in most Western European countries during May, according to the monthly figures issued by NetValue.

Germany now has over 17 million home internet users, the highest number in Europe, with the UK behind on 16 million users. Germans are also among the most enthusiastic web users and log on for an average of 11.6 days per month. By comparison, UK users are online for an average of just 10.1 days in a given month.
Internet Usage By Country, May 2002 
Country  Home Internet Users (000s)  Days Connected (per month) 
Germany 17,740 11.6
UK  16,007  10.1 
France 12,253 10.6
Italy 8,013 8.9
Spain 5,274 12.9
Sweden 3,492 10.6
Denmark 2,610 11.5
Norway 1,839 9.6
Source: NetValue Internet Overview, June 2002 

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