
US First Half Adspend Comes In Flat, According To CMR

US First Half Adspend Comes In Flat, According To CMR

First half US advertising revenue came in pretty much flat, according to new figures from CMR, suggesting that, at the moment, a solid rebound seems far from likely this year.

CMR’s data shows that overall spend dropped by 0.2% in H1 2002, to $53.7 billion, as against a particularly weak H1 2001. This flat performance in the face of an ‘easy’ comparable does not paint the strongest picture of the market, although CMR president David Peeler remains optimistic:

“The health of the market is steadily coming back to life. Compared to the dramatic plummets in spending throughout the course of 2001, to be down by less that one percent in expenditures is a positive step in the right direction for ad recovery,” says Peeler.

  Jan-Jun 2001 ($m)  Jan-Jun 2002 ($m)  % Change 
Network TV 9,971 10,388 4.2%
Spot TV 6,940 7,215 4.0%
Cable TV 5,480 4,949 -9.7%
Syndication-National 1,618 1,414 -12.6%
Spanish Lang. TV 757 959 26.7%
Cons./Sunday Mags 8,677 8,359 -3.7%
B2B Magazines 3,226 2,555 -20.8%
Local papers 8,953 9,519 6.3%
National papers 1,560 1,460 -6.4%
Radio 3,873 4,165 7.5%
Internet 1,504 1,532 1.9%
Outdoor 1,224 1,168 -4.6%
Source: CMR, August 2002 

Strength in the market comes from Spanish language network television, which saw revenues rise by 26.7% across the period, easily outpacing the broader market.

Local newspapers (6.3%) and radio (7.5%) are also looking pretty strong, whilst business to business magazines (-20.8%) and national syndication television (-12.6%) remain much weaker.

Earlier forecasts In June, CMR forecast that overall growth in the US advertising market would be 5.3% in Q3 and 7.1% in Q4, giving a full-year 2002 figure of 2.5%. This was based on an expected 1.1% decline in Q2 and so we may now see a slightly stronger full-year performance.

2002 Quarterly Growth Trends 
  Percentage Change Versus 
   2001  2000 
H1  -0.4%  -6.1% 
Q1 0.4% -3.9%
Q2 -1.1% -8.1%
H2  6.2%  -7.3% 
Q3 5.1% -7.9%
Q4 7.1% -6.8%
Full Year  2.5%  -6.7% 
Source: CMR, June 2002 

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