
US Workplace Web Usage Hits New Peak

US Workplace Web Usage Hits New Peak

Nearly 46 million people in the US went online from work in August 2002, the highest figure yet recorded by Nielsen//NetRatings since it began measuring the at-work audience.

Net usage at work rose 17% year-on-year compared to home usage which was up by just 4% in the same period. Men account for 55% of all work internet users but the female internet population has shown the most significant growth in recent times. The number of women accessing the web in the workplace increased by 23% to 20.4 million in the year to August.

Male office workers continue to be the most regular users of the internet, averaging almost 31 hours online in August. This compares to less than 27 hours for their female counterparts.

US Internet User Growth 2001-2002 
  Year On Year Growth (%) 
Month  Work  Home 
January 8 3
February 5 6
March 7 5
April 14 2
May 18 3
June 14 3
July 11 3
August 17 4
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, September 2002     

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